ZumoDrive faz streaming de mídia e acessa documentos no iPhone e Android
Se você estiver carregando um iPhone, smartphone com Android ou um Palm Pre, tem um app para você acessar o serviço do ZumoDrive. Isso significa que você pode fazer streaming de quase qualquer música ou vídeo que você tenha, além de poder ver documentos, via Wi-Fi, 3G ou EDGE.
O ZumoDrive dá até 2GB de espaço grátis e oferece planos indo de 3 a 80 dólares por mês por espaço adicional. Como outros serviços de armazenamento na nuvem, o ZumoDrive oferece uma opção para ligar pastas na nuvem a pastas no seu computador e sincronizá-las automaticamente. Isso quer dizer que você pode ter uma biblioteca de música, vídeo ou documentos acessíveis na maioria dos seus dispositivos.
O app e o espaço de até 2GB são gratuitos e podem ser baixados agora na iTunes App Store, Android Market ou na Palm’s Software Store. [ZumoDrive]
New Apps Give Users Access to their Personal Media Libraries and Documents On-the-Go
BURLINGAME, Calif., March 16th, 2009 – ZumoDrive, the consumer service for easily accessing and storing media and documents across devices, today announced the release of ZumoDrive for Android and ZumoDrive for Palm Pre, building on the success of the company’s iPhone application. With these mobile apps, consumers now can access and play their music, video and photos without having to bother with cumbersome sync or take up precious disk space on their smartphones. ZumoDrive is now available on Mac, PC, Linux, iPhone, Android and Palm Pre platforms.
ZumoDrive’s ultra-thin file replication is an innovative approach to going beyond storage and backup to provide streaming access to music, video and photos at a moment’s notice. This approach lets consumers easily access and play their entire iTunes library on their phones even though the songs are not locally saved. Additionally, ZumoDrive changes the equation from manually saving files to a specific location to a more seamless system of designating folders to be linked to ZumoDrive. The files within these Linked Folders are automatically updated in ZumoDrive and available anywhere.
"Consumers today purchase and use more devices than ever, and they expect to access their content on all of them," said David Zhao, founder and CEO of ZumoDrive. " ZumoDrive unshackles our users’ content so they can enjoy it wherever and whenever they want, without worrying about syncing and downloading. With the new Android and Palm Pre applications, consumers can now access documents as well as share playlists or photo albums from even more mobile devices."
Features of the new Android and Palm Pre applications include:
• Video streaming from ZumoDrive directly to the device in MP4, H.264 format
• Music playback of all songs
• Music organized by artist, albums, and even playlists created on other devices
• Ability to stream music in the background
• Ability to listen to music over both 3G or EDGE networks
• Access to photo albums saved in ZumoDrive
• Easy document access and viewing for Microsoft Office documents and PDF files
• Ability to easily share files from ZumoDrive with anyone (Android)
The Android and Palm applications can be downloaded from here and here, respectively. The applications are also available as free downloads from Palm’s Software Store or the Android Market. ZumoDrive offers tiered storage options so users can choose the plan that works best for their needs. See here for options.