Lenovo IdeaPad S10 ganha boot-up instantâneo Splashtop

Um mês depois de seu lançamento, o ultraportátil Lenovo IdeaPad S10 ganha opção de boot-up instantâneo Splashtop. Com o nome de QuickStart, o sistema permite conectar-se à web, checar e-mails e acessar chats, entre outras tarefas, apenas “segundos após ligar” o S10e [sem precisar carregar um sistema operacional tradicional].

Um mês depois de seu lançamento, o ultraportátil Lenovo IdeaPad S10 ganha opção de boot-up instantâneo Splashtop. Com o nome de QuickStart, o sistema permite conectar-se à web, checar e-mails e acessar chats, entre outras tarefas, apenas “segundos após ligar” o S10e [sem precisar carregar um sistema operacional tradicional].

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October 28, 2008, SAN JOSE, CA – DeviceVM, the maker of the award-winning Splashtop™ instant-on platform, announced that Splashtop is now shipping on the Lenovo IdeaPad S10e netbook, making it the first netbook product in the world to offer a true instant-on experience.

With Splashtop, IdeaPad S10e users can surf the web, check email, chat online or video conference seconds after turning on their netbooks, all without starting a traditional operating system. Splashtop is branded as Lenovo “QuickStart” on the IdeaPad S10e. The netbook is based on the Intel® Atom™ processor.

“We are thrilled to partner with Lenovo to bring instant-on capabilities to netbook users,” says Mark Lee, CEO and co-founder of DeviceVM. “Netbook users want an instant-on, instant-off, efficient and secure way to get online, and Splashtop is the perfect solution.”

“Lenovo is committed to bringing the best-in-class user experience to our customers,” said Sam Dusi, vice president, notebook product marketing, Lenovo. “We are excited about our agreement with DeviceVM, which will help us deliver an unparalleled Internet experience to our IdeaPad netbook customers.”

Splashtop has been shipping on millions of motherboards, notebooks, desktops, and nettops, and now for the first time on netbooks through partnership with Lenovo.

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