Novo PSP Media Manager dá acesso à PlayStation Store

Caso você seja um dos poucos que realmente usam o PSP Media Manager, talvez se interesse em saber que uma nova atualização dá acesso à PlayStation Store pelo PC. Ele também ajuda na sincronização de músicas, fotos e outros conteúdos digitais.

Caso você seja um dos poucos que realmente usam o PSP Media Manager, talvez se interesse em saber que uma nova atualização dá acesso à PlayStation Store pelo PC. Ele também ajuda na sincronização de músicas, fotos e outros conteúdos digitais.

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    New Media Manager for the PSP System

    Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) released a new Media Manager for the PSP System today. Designed to accommodate the expanding functionality of PlayStation®Portable (PSP), the Media Manager grants access to the PlayStation®Store through the PC, easing the process of browsing, purchasing, and downloading of games, movies and television shows. The Media Manager also allows for organizing and syncing your music, photos and other digital content for PSP.

    “The latest firmware update for the PSP provides today’s entertainment enthusiasts with a truly mobile entertainment device by enabling the downloading of content on the go,” said Susan Panico, senior director of PlayStation®Network, SCEA. “Because of the enhanced functionality, we felt it was necessary to expand the role of the PC application by giving users a means to further acquire and organize content for their PSP in a way that is intuitive and familiar.”

    With the recent PSP firmware update (v. 5.01), PlayStation added direct access to PlayStation®Store on PSP, enabling consumers to browse the store and download games whenever they’re at a Wi-Fi hotspot. With the launch of the new Media Manager for PSP, the current URL will re-direct visitors to the new home page.

    Users of the legacy Media Manager will be able to update their software to incorporate the new features including access to the PlayStation®Store. Consumers who own the retail version of Media Manager (v2.5) will be able to upgrade to the online Media Manager PRO (v3.0) for free.

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